Yun-Jui Liang's profile

陸貳花藝 /RUNI Flowers · Taichung

Interior Design|Freelance Project - 2020.02

Collaboration with Yu-Hsiang Lin
RUNI Flowers · Taichung City/陸貳花藝 台中

Client: 陸貳花藝
Winner/DNA Paris Design Awards

RUNI Flowers位於西屯台灣大道旁的巷弄中,基地為屋齡約30年的狹長老屋,相較於車水馬龍的大街,這裡卻是意外的鬧中取靜。可望在這紛紛擾擾講求高效率的都市中,忙碌生活的人們,能在謐靜的街角一隅停下腳步,體驗RUNI浪漫優雅的花藝空間,精緻卻買得起的高貴品味。

RUNI Flowers located in a narrow and old house with a history of about 30 years in the alley next to Taiwan Boulevard in Xitun, Taichung. Despite being located in a bustling city, RUNI offers a peaceful and quiet environment for people to stop and experience the romantic and elegant floral space of RUNI.

一如RUNI 源自Remarkable(印象深刻的)、Unique(獨特的)、Natural(自然的)、Invaluable(珍貴無價的)的取意寄望,再回應到RUNI Flowers所秉持的“ Simple But Not Too Simple ”的品牌理念,我們嘗試將所謂 : 簡單卻不隨意,個性而不張揚,現代傳承經典,歐式優雅與現代簡約的巧妙糅合在有限的13坪空間中呈現。

The brand name RUNI is derived from the words "Remarkable," "Unique," "Natural," and "Invaluable," which reflects the brand's philosophy of "Simple But Not Too Simple". We aims to combine modern simplicity with classic European elegance in a limited space of 43 square meters.


As we retains the original beam structure and wall of the old house, and repaints the old wooden windows, iron windows, and brick walls to create a contrast between the past and present. The continuous curved shape of the space also implies that flowers have never been absent from solemn occasions from ancient times to the present. The uses minimal vocabulary to outline a fresh and elegant visual appearance that combines modern aesthetics with simplicity. The soft curved surface of the cabinet creates a display area that presents different angles of beauty and explores a new order for traditional old house spaces. The clean and white space is like a canvas that can fully reflect the color of flowers in the space, perfectly interpreting the brand's "simple but not casual" texture and brings a new look to traditional flower shops, making flowers more valuable in the gift-giving market.

陸貳花藝 /RUNI Flowers · Taichung

陸貳花藝 /RUNI Flowers · Taichung

As RUNI comes from Remarkable, Unique, Natural, and Invaluable combined meanings and to reflect RUNI Flowers uphold the "Simple But Not Too Simpl Read More
