Brandon Chrinian's profile

Mindset and Goal Setting in Defining Success

Brandon Chrinian is an experienced business executive who serves as chief operating officer of Ashley Furniture Home Stores. With a strong interest in professional development, Brandon Chrinian enjoys the seminars presented by Tony Robbins on topics such as success.

With the statement “clarity is power,” Robbins emphasizes that before attempting to achieve any goal, it pays to define exactly what success means. Moving forward in one’s career naturally requires a different focus than developing richer personal relationships. A simple statement such as “I’m seeking a promotion” does not suffice in goal setting, as there is no specificity or role involved, and no mention of how reaching the goal will affect one’s life. It’s much better to craft a well thought-out statement such as, “I want to manage a team of software engineers by age 30 and have an annual salary of $250,000.” This provides a measurable end point that allows for tracking incremental progress toward the goal.

While taking action is essential, adopting a mindset conducive to pivoting toward success is just as important. Remembering the saying “where focus goes, energy flows,” accentuate the positive. Avoid limiting beliefs, such as “that person is so much more suited for the position than me,” and focus energy on exerting the effort necessary to achieve results. When filled with negativity, doubt, and a sense of inferiority, the feared outcome is all the more likely.

Finally, keep in mind that success is never a straight line. Rather, the ability to get up after setbacks and defeats, having learned a valuable lesson, is essential in building the type of character that enables success. Through the power of perseverance and always trying harder, self-confidence is built that vanquishes doubts and removes obstacles in the way.

Mindset and Goal Setting in Defining Success

Mindset and Goal Setting in Defining Success
