I write great copy. But first I ask lots of stupid questions.
Hi. My name's Emlyn and I'm a copywriter.

Yes, I ask stupid questions. They help me cut through any assumptions about your business or product. Things you may take as a given can get to the heart of who you are and what you're about: Who are we? Why do we do what we do? What are we building and how will we get there? Who is our customer and how do we want them to describe us?

You have a vision and a voice and something of value. You do things differently for a reason, and that deserves attention. Maybe you're a business owner looking for a fresh pair of eyes. Maybe you're a creative agency making waves. Maybe you're an entrepreneur with a new product that needs an angle.

Words sell products. They also sell identity.

You want copy that doesn't blow smoke. Your customers are smart and they know what's real. You want copy that has a truth to share, that doesn't talk down, that they can trust. You want copy that gets them.
I love writing copy. I make a great mocktail too.
Copywriting is part art, part science. But that's not why you're here. You're here for the magic: how words connect with your audience and draw them into your orbit. You want copy that is persuasive without being pushy. You want copy that is real without being phony. So do I.

I've written copy for startups, for professionals and entrepreneurs, for government agencies and non-profits, and for companies big and small. It doesn't matter if it's copy for a website, an email blast, a printed brochure, or a social media post: each medium offers its own strengths and challenges. Every customer touchpoint is an opportunity to drive new interest and to grow your base.

Here's copy I wrote for a new product concept. Transforming something we've read a hundred times before into a pitch about soy milk. Mmm flan!
For Millennials and Gen-Z, it's about selling the fun, the convenience, and the experience of owning and using the product.
Selling the flavor of eggs...with no eggs. For this plant-based egg alternative product concept, social media ads focus on taste and texture, and the experience of enjoying it. 
This copy I wrote for a business coaching professional. Like speech-making, finding the right tone meant striking a balance between informational and authoritative.
A push for new environmental legislation called for bold, memorable messaging for raising awareness on social media.
For a new technology venture the task was to distill their product innovation into a few concepts, while keeping an easy but authoritative tone.
Online forums are a great place to learn about an audience. Capturing the right tone and voice comes from observing how people talk and write about their passion.
A business consulting service posed a challenge: How to present wide-ranging service offerings in an easy, logical format.
Direct response pieces where the design and copy are coordinated are often the most effective marketing pieces.
This social media sequence targeted local voters. It called for copy that was concise, engaging, and always on message.
Scriptwriting for video production goes hand-in-hand with storyboarding. In my experience, each informs the other in telling a story.
In 2022, the RI Schools Recycling Project started a food waste reduction program at Nathan Bishop middle school in Providence. Sorting cafeteria waste — that is, uneaten, edible food, liquids and food scraps, recyclables, and trash — has proven very effective in cutting down the volume of trash headed to the landfill. Saving uneaten food is a key part of this: students put their untouched, unopened, high value food like milk, fruits, veggies, and snacks on a “share table” where it's free for anyone. In a state where 31% of families now regularly face food insecurity, this is an important focus of the program.

In October, we met computer science teacher, Michelle Sullivan. We learned that she was bringing some of the share table food to her classroom and making it available to her students during class. We wanted to learn more...

For this professional services consultancy website, the training course is broken down into bite-sized concepts to highlight the value proposition.
Technical documentation is a medium unto itself. A user's manual calls for rigorous attention to detail in a logical format that is easy to scan.
And when the artwork says it all, less is more.
Good copy is a call to attention. Great copy is a call to action.
Tonic Spritz

1/2 Tonic water
1/2 Sprite/7 Up
Lemon wedge




