Assignments 3_Element of Illustration 02: Mix Media

Assignment 3_Element of Illustration 02: Mix Media
Title: UN 17 SDG

Group Member:  Goh Shuat Yee 23WKD02344, Ng Sin Yee 23WKD02454, Lim Ching Keng 23WKD02313
Individual Sketch
By Goh Shuat Yee
Artwork showing a little mermaid that lives in an ocean that is full of trash, her face has a lovely smile as an ironic symbol through the situation.
By Ng Sin Yee
This drawing wants to show how the oceans are polluted and cause the turtles’ shells to be filled with garbage.
By Lim Ching Keng
This sketch showcases turtles entangled in nets and empty bottles and cans in the sea.
Finding Reference for sketching
This artwork was an inspiration for creating a little mermaid that lives in an ocean that is full with garbage, but still has a charming and cheerful personality.
Those references above are an idea for creating an ocean view by using garbage such as plastic bags, bottles, bubble wrap etc.To make the final artwork more accurate thorough the theme of the assignment.

The references show the sea turtle and plastic bags, nets, empty bottles and slippers inside the ocean.
This reference represent a turtle with a shell shaped like a tire, which made me feel sad when i saw it in an article about a sea turtle's death from suffocation because  its nose was stuck with a straw.
Final Sketching
We combined all the ideas and references together to create this final sketch.
Artwork Progress
We used a pencil to do a rough sketch on the canvas at the beginning.
After sketching, we applied acrylic paint to the line art on the canvas.
After applying the acrylic paint, we paste those materials that we collected from earlier on the artwork.
Final Artwork
Final report for this assignment
Our final artwork concept is a little mermaid who was stuck in a marine debris which means she is living in a ocean that be polluted by those irresponsible and selfish human, those human do not take care of the ocean environment and cause severe contamination through the ocean by dumping toxic chemicals into the ocean, throwing rubbish into the ocean. Everything turned into plastic because of the rubbish that was thrown by humans. 

In this artwork, each element was symbolized through the different aspects of the problem.

The mermaid’s tail is wrapped around with bubble wrap to represent the marine life trapped in a polluted environment. That is because humans are irresponsible by taking care of the ocean environment and marine life, and always cause serious damage through the ocean and pollute the environment.  Besides, the tire-shaped sea turtle shell with trash inside represents the waste that humans discard indiscriminately, it will cause more rubbish among the sea, and that rubbish will be brought into the sea bottom during flood tide, if will cause ocean pollution and those marine life will be eating those rubbish by accidentally and cause suffocation that will lead them to death. Moreover, those jellyfishes that are made with plastic bags come with strings and straw tentacles also represent the situation that the sea turtle always eats plastic by mistake because both of them seem too similar. Those situations will cause the suffocation of sea turtles and then lead them to death.

Furthermore, those bubbles in shape of bottle cap filled with trash and straw were as a symbolize that those marine life always living in a polluted ocean that full with death hazard, such as plastic bag that will cause suffocation if they accidentally put on their head, fishing line that will also cause death because it will twine around their body and cause bacterial infections and turned into necrosis that might infected their predation ability. They will also trapped by the fishing net and stare to death. 

Human beings are the greatest crisis on Earth. The pollution of the ecological environment, including the extinction of various animals and plants, comes from hunting animals and resource depletion. Excessive hunting has led to species extinction. Due to excessive exploitation of natural resources, water sources and forests are facing resource depletion, which has caused irreversible damage to the future. We have to pay attention to these issues. Example, participate in conservation efforts, advocate for the preservation of natural areas and protect the ocean. Besides, plastic pollution is the most significant during this era of environmental problems. We should avoid using disposable plastic and instead use more eco-friendly bags. Everyone should have a responsibility to cultivate environmental habits.
Assignments 3_Element of Illustration 02: Mix Media

Assignments 3_Element of Illustration 02: Mix Media
