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The 6 Creative Strategies

For my Graphic Design course, we had to take an everyday object and redesign it with the six creative strategies in mind. My object of choice was an analog clock. Here are my final six designs, followed by a close-up view of each one.
This first design is "Change of Context/Environment." Here I took an analog clock out of the workplace and into the wilds of nature. 
This second design is "Isolation." Here I placed a round analog clock in the midst of square digital clocks.
This third design is "Juxtaposition/Combination." Here we have modern man's way of telling time placed side by side with nature's way of telling time. The machine keeps track of the passing minutes with metal cogs and plastic hands, nature keeps track of the passing years with rings in grainy wood.
This fourth design is "Change of Material." Here I built a clock out of meat, lettuce, and condiments. 
This fifth design is "Metaphor." Here this "lost" poster bemoans the loss of something greater than a furry friend, with the added weight that unlike your favorite cat or dog, it can never be recovered or returned. Once it's lost, it's lost forever.
This last design is "Similar Physical Shape." Here I replaced a somewhat round lollipop with a less than edible clock.
The 6 Creative Strategies

The 6 Creative Strategies


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