Feeding America, Postage Stamps
For this quick project I wanted to create postage stamps, centered around the organization Feeding America. The target audience for this was kids, so I wanted the images to be fun and easily recognizable. I settled on fruits and vegetables doing physical activity, to represent how our food gives us energy. 
I started off with a quick sketch, and moved on to Illustrator to vectorize everything. I played around with color choices and layout. I wanted each character I chose to have a different color to keep things diverse and not too repetitive. I had them doing common physical activities, as I didn't want anything too complex that a child couldn't see and recognize. 
I added finer details, like making sure all the colors between the set were cohesive, and making sure there was a balance in each stamp, and as a whole set. I added a sticker mock-up to show their place in the world, fine tuned some of the graphics themselves. 
Postage Stamps


Postage Stamps
