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Black Moon sake packaging

Black Moon Sake is a premium Japanese sake. A contemporary yet traditionally focused design solution was developed for the product packaging.
The concept was inspired by the development of a traditional Japanese myth about a samurai hero that overcomes a cat demon, who terrorizes villagers during the black moon. Appearing amongst thunderous winds and clouds the cat demon carries the dead off to hell.
The customized logotype features an ‘A’ that was developed to mimic the temple featured in the Black Moon myth. The cat demon is featured on the label. Its’ sleek, mysterious and muscular form is reflected in the sleek lines of the bottle, and the dark colour palette. The masculine and sleek design targets the Australian male market. 
The support graphic developed for the box packaging was rendered using storm cloud formations as inspiration. These cloud formation designs were transferred onto a linoleum plate and printed for use as a support graphic. The intention is to print the support graphic onto the black packing using a spot varnish.
The box dieline was designed to incorporate a window that allows the cat demon to peer through the box to the outside world, further adding to the mystery associated with the Black Moon story. 
Design College Australia student project
Black Moon sake packaging

Black Moon sake packaging

Black Moon Sake is a premium Japanese sake. A contemporary yet traditionally focused design solution was developed for the product packaging. The Read More
