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Zodiac Signs Fashion Illustration - AI edition

Couldn't wait to share with you one of my latest projects! Yes, made with my lately favourite combo Midjourney + Photoshop. What's different this time? It's actual client work 🙊

So few weeks ago my coworker, Laura, said: "I have idea for a landing page. Let's do looks according to zodiac signs!" And I got excited! That's pure genius! Think about it, the client is boho style fashion brand, and our final client is 95% female, age range 30 to 55. It doesn't matter if you do believe in astrology or not, that's something you gonna check out anyways, even if just for fun.

And I knew it straight away - I want soft, feminine, watercolour style illustrations for zodiac signs! So I politely surfed the web for half an hour, just to confirm that I can't find anything to match my creative vision. And then I dropped the bomb: "Yea, I think I'll try to do the illustrations with AI.."

So here's the result!

Client: NKN Nekane
Year: 2023

Find me on Instagram / Dribbble

Zodiac Signs Fashion Illustration - AI edition


Zodiac Signs Fashion Illustration - AI edition

Zodiac signs illustrations for "boho chic" fashion brand NKN Nekane. Each astro sign has its own unique characteristics and personality, and we t Read More
