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Ost'Gorod Falling

Ost'Gorod Falling Cover 
Ost'Gorod Falling is the second book written by Sebastian De Negro. This was en extremely fun project to work on, since this is a second book in a series I had to make sure that my cover could still fit stylistically with the first book. As supplemental materials I also worked on creating a few house crests that showed up in the story and flag designs. Both of De Negro's books are available to be purchase as eBook's on Barns and Noble
One of the flag and house crest designs made for the story
Ost'Gorod Falling Summary:
"If the cash is there, we do not care....The dirty-deeds-for-hire business has been good to Aamon Savage, elite commando and clandestine operative of the Union of Terran States Navy turned well-paid gun-for-hire as the founder and owner of Solutions LLC. Aamon is as aware as any well-informed citizen of the Civilized Universe of the deadly rebellion that had been raging within the Enlightened A'Khaanate of Ost'land, but when he's hired by the government of the Independent Protectorate of Shelaän to distract the A'Khaanate's ambassador for a weekend, he doesn't think much about the job beyond its rather substantial remuneration. When he chances across the ambassador lying injured and at death's door, on a deserted beach less than half a kilometer from his home, he senses that he's likely blundered into something much more significant than a mere babysitting job might imply. His instincts for entangled mayhem bear out less than a month later when Solutions LLC is retained by the A'Khaanate's recently-deposed Sovereign for a very specific mission: to gain access and get close to then eliminate her husband, the A'Khaanate's current Royal Head-of-State. Residing in the A'Khaanate under false bona fides, and operating largely alone but with the assistance of a local asset whom he doesn't know, Aamon knows that he is under the scrutiny of the Okhrana--the A'Khaanate's dreaded secret police--and that foolish mistakes could have lethal consequences. Worse, old adversaries from a previous job have followed him to the A'Khaanate for reasons of their own, none of which, he knows, could be good for him. For one Aamon V'Iangsooth Savage, it's just another day at the office toward the successful completion of a hazardous contract and pursuit of a hefty payday."
Book one and two covers
Ost'Gorod Falling


Ost'Gorod Falling
