Book Cover design Showcase
from AndreaR design portfolio
These are some samples of my Design in a Book Cover field. I use colors to expres the mood of the book, trying to point the reader of a feeling which is most capured in it. 

People say: "Don't judge the book by its Cover", and I agree with that line in life, but when it comes to designing a Cover for a book, crutial thing is to present the story in its true form, to show the viewer: "This is what I am looking for...". 

That is why the great design is necesarry. 

When a potencional book lover comes in a book store, the first thing he sees, should be your book, when he takes it in his hands, you are a half way to sale. After that it is up to writter to intrigue. But my job as an Designer is to make shure that that book is taken from the shelf in the hand of a reader.
First draft for a book Cover "Potraga za Atlantidom", written by Endi Mekdermot. Serbian edition.
Second draft for a book Cover "Potraga za Atlantidom", written by Endi Mekdermot. Serbian edition.
Final version for a book Cover "Potraga za Atlantidom", written by Endi Mekdermot. Serbian edition.
Book Cover design

Book Cover design

Book Cover designing, the work has been done beatwean 2009-2011, in Novi Sad, Serbia, for a publishing house company Stylos-art. Web: www.stylos- Read More
