Edward Freeman Jr's profile

Environmental Portrait

Image Concepts I: Environmental Portrait💧
This was a group project so I didn’t do this one all by myself I was 1 of 4 people who created this portrait to represent the dangers of pollution in today’s society.💨
I mainly operated on the tree which was made up of pollution clippings from magazines, while the others worked on things such as the sky, the water, and even the clouds which were made up of various words to describe the goods without pollution and what happens when pollution is involved. 💨
The Left Side: Represents positivity and a world without pollution being represented by clean water for wildlife, clean air to breath in, fruit growing on tree’s, wholesome clouds that communicate words such as home, right, and Life.🍊💧🍋
The Right Side: Represents a world with pollution and the things that come with it being represented by unclean water, unclean air, no fruit to eat at all, hateful clouds with words such as wrong, stop, and enough.💥🗑
3)As a side project our group was assigned to make a old school camera out of cardboard, masking tape, and etc. (Me in the video btw)🎥
4)Shows the divide between Non-Pollution and Pollution.🌪
Environmental Portrait


Environmental Portrait
