I am Elay Haviv and this is my final  project in school for Advanced UX\UI Design course, Before I start explaining on my app let me interest you in a short story.
6 years ago I dislocated my shoulder due to falling from a bike, from then until a year and half later I dislocated my shoulder 11 times until I went threw a surgery.
Unfortunately I still suffer from this injury till this day (I'm 23 years old) and last month I played football (the real football) and I was playing goalkeeper and I injured my shoulder again, luckily mothers got a superpower and my mom got me a orthopedic doctor the next day and of course he sent me to physical therapy BUT the only close appointment is in 3 months, now I can't work or anything physical.
And this is where my app comes in to play.
My app is a extension of a physical therapist, I'll explain what I mean.
Healer is a similar to any workout\fitness app, but the focus is an injury that experience at the moment or experienced in the past and it builds you a plan that the goal is to help you heal from that injury.
Now is the point where we get to know you and understand what your injury is.
Here after we got all the information from you , you have the choice if to continue straight to your plan or to set up you schedule so the app will know when to remind of the workout.
Now you can start your healing process and strengthen your body!
Good luck!


