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Digital Illustration - Rēdē Cavern

Digital Illustration | Cave - Concept Art
The Rēdē Cavern
Hidden in the depths of this cave is a glowing life.
That's both a magic and a mystery.

Others imagine them to be spirits guiding the cave, or as some adventurer claims, fairies. But we never know.

The cave is naturally overtaken by the nature, and yet out of all the places in the Kingdom of Adrelweis /əˈdrel veɪs/ this is the only place that has quite the abundance. People assume all is wonder inside, but if one is to see what lies past the plain sight, a caution might be the smartest thing to keep in mind.

Verdant, enchanting, deep… untraveled.

What mysteries could be unraveled beyond what eyes can see? Will one be able to find what they seek if they took this path? Or like the other unfortunate adventurers, they, too, will lose some things one way or the other?
Illustration Process 
Sketch - Value - Color - Outline
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Digital Illustration - Rēdē Cavern


Digital Illustration - Rēdē Cavern


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