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Mizgiris Amber Museum Digital Storytelling

A Visual Odyssey at the Mizgiris Amber Museum 

By Art Director Justin Vin 

As an art director, I am constantly in pursuit of projects that challenge and utilize my creative capabilities. Recently, I was presented with an exciting opportunity to lead the art direction for a digital experience at the Mizgiris Amber Museum, thanks to a proposal from my colleague, Vitalijus Zukas, a creative director and producer.

The Mizgiris Amber Museum is not your typical museum. Owned by esteemed amber gallerists Virginija and Kazimieras Mizgiris, it presents an exceptional collection of amber from various global sources. Located in the picturesque resort town of Nida, Lithuania, the museum is situated against the stunning natural backdrop of the Curonian Spit, with its dunes, sea, and forests, adding a magical atmosphere to the site.

The museum's design was initially conceptualized by Ralph Appelbaum Associates, a prestigious museum exhibition design firm. Our task was to create 29 screens of digital multimedia content that would narrate six unique stories about amber in an artistic yet informative manner. The aim was to offer visitors a memorable experience that evoked emotions and made a lasting impression.
Overcoming Creative Challenges 

Our primary challenge was understanding the vision of the Mizgiris couple. Our director, Zukas, facilitated in-depth interactions between our team and the museum owners, which included several visits to the museum. These sessions helped us delve into their world view and appreciate the rich history and artistic value of amber. Our approach had to diverge from mainstream trends to resonate with both the aesthetic sensibilities of the Mizgiris and the expectations of diverse audiences.

In developing the visual style, we encountered numerous trials. The collaborative process with the Mizgiris led to the adoption of a distinct black and white theme, which served to highlight the amber’s natural beauty and integrate it with the surrounding nature. This was achieved through dynamic blending effects in our motion graphics, enhancing the storytelling with a sense of organic flow.
Art and Information: A Delicate Balance 

The challenge of intertwining artistic elements with educational content was met through creative storytelling techniques. Poetic voice-overs, crafted by copywriter Mindaugas Valiukas, blended emotional narratives with factual information, inviting visitors to engage actively with the content. The exhibition explored various aspects of amber, including its colors, morphology, and historical significance. The ambiance was further enriched by soft, thematic music and ambient sound effects composed by Vytis Puronas, creating a multisensory experience that mirrored the serene environment of Nida.
Personalization in the Mizgiris Amber Museum Experience 

The initial design for the Mizgiris Amber Museum proposed using a digital guide rather than a live person to lead visitors through the exhibition. However, rather than opting for an anonymous virtual guide, the museum owners themselves, Virginija and Kazimieras Mizgiris, chose to personally narrate the tours. This decision was driven by their desire to add a personal touch to the visitor experience by sharing their extensive knowledge and stories about amber.

To implement this, we recorded the Mizgiris couple on location among the dunes where natural elements like wind and sand interacted naturally with their appearance, lending authenticity to their roles as narrators. Although initially planned as the exclusive guides, feedback from user research indicated the need for additional navigational aids to enhance visitor experience. To address this, we introduced animated icons, programmable lights, and strategic music and sound effects. These elements were carefully designed to complement the narration, ensuring that visitors could navigate the museum's one-hour immersive experience smoothly and effectively.
Managing the Extensive Scope 

The large scale of the Mizgiris Amber Museum project presented several logistical challenges. Managing content synchronization across 29 screens demanded high levels of precision and organization. Through meticulous planning and multiple confirmations with the clients, we avoided misunderstandings and streamlined the production process.

We organized the screens into two distinct categories: dynamic motion graphics for interactive storytelling and more passive ambient imagery of forests and dunes, enhanced with animations of moving clouds and winds to create an engaging atmosphere that captivated visitors.

Our video editor, Evaldas Narmontas, worked extensively to integrate various pieces of footage seamlessly across the display area. We utilized detailed Excel sheets to manage the complexity, tracking over 400 video files to ensure a cohesive and impactful visitor experience.

Thousands of my art directed content material of photographs, videos, assembled stock material and 3d graphics were finally assembled and composed by a talented composer Daria Moshashvili.

The Mizgiris Amber Museum project was a pivotal experience in my career as an art director. It provided a unique opportunity to immerse myself in the world of amber, a realm deeply ingrained in the lives of my clients. This project allowed me to employ my art direction skills to transform their extensive knowledge and passion into a vibrant and compelling creative reality. Enhanced with rich imagery and emotive storytelling, our work resonated strongly with our audiences.

Furthermore, this project showed the importance of diving deeper beyond everyday glittering design trends and looking for things that truly connect with people. The positive feedback from visitors not only validated the impact of our work but also confirmed the success of our collaborative efforts, marking this initiative as a significant achievement in the realm of amber exhibitions.

This story evokes the mystery and allure of amber inclusions, presenting it as a time capsule that whispers secrets from a long-vanished world. Within its golden depths lie ancient tales of life, love, and demise—each inclusion a frozen moment of natural drama. What stories might a simple piece of amber reveal about the flora, fauna, and climate of a forgotten age? The full narrative unfolds not on the stage of ancient theaters, but in the intimate theater of nature, captured forever in resin.

The poetic text encapsulates the history and allure of amber extraction, portraying it as a mystical and valuable substance. Originating from the Baltic Sea, amber was revered for its perceived protective and happiness-bringing properties by ancient Baltic cultures. As its fame spread, it became a coveted commodity across civilizations, sparking intense extraction efforts such as the Amber Rush in the Curonian Lagoon, driven by the prospect of immense wealth. Despite the passage of time and changing methods, the fascination and pursuit of Baltic amber persist, symbolizing a timeless connection between cultures and the earth's treasures.

This story evokes the mystery and allure of amber inclusions, presenting it as a time capsule that whispers secrets from a long-vanished world. Within its golden depths lie ancient tales of life, love, and demise—each inclusion a frozen moment of natural drama. What stories might a simple piece of amber reveal about the flora, fauna, and climate of a forgotten age? The full narrative unfolds not on the stage of ancient theaters, but in the intimate theater of nature, captured forever in resin.

The poetic text delves into the ethereal significance of amber in Lithuanian ethnography, portraying it as a sacred material imbued with protective powers. Artefacts discovered in the Juodkrantė lagoon, including beads and sculptures dating back to the Stone Age, are regarded as offerings to gods and symbols of ancestral beliefs. Amber, known as "gintaras," resonates with the Lithuanian verb "ginti," meaning "to protect," hinting at a deep-seated cultural connection between the stone and notions of safeguarding and luck. Through these artifacts, the text reveals insights into ancient rituals, beliefs, and the profound reverence for amber as a conduit between humans and the divine.
Mizgiris Amber Museum Digital Storytelling


Mizgiris Amber Museum Digital Storytelling
