Hamza Almuhisen's profile

MedQ Queue Management System

In the world of healthcare, every minute counts, and the journey through a medical facility should be as comfortable as possible for you. That's where the Patient-Centric Queue Management System comes into play – it's not just a system; it's a warm and caring solution crafted to ensure your healthcare experience is as smooth, personalized, and stress-free as possible

In a medical facility, you're handling people's lives, so when we enhance how we manage our staff, it directly translates to saving more lives and reducing patient suffering, and that is what we offer in MedQ the complete solution of patient management.
The Challenge
Our top goal when designing our UI/UX solution is to build an app for a busy city healthcare clinic that serves a wide range of patients.

We want to make sure the app is user-friendly and efficient, especially because many of our users are elderly, possibly feeling anxious or stressed, and may not be very experienced with mobile phones.

Furthermore, we are committed to making every step in clinic management as seamless as possible, not only for the benefit of the clinic's efficiency but also to foster a greater sense of empathy and understanding between the clinic and its patients
The Solution
1. User-Friendly Home page: Design a user-friendly home page that offers a straightforward for how to use the app

2. Patient Don't Need To Login: Most of patient are elderly so we don't want to exhaust them with more process 

3. Queue Status Visualization: Implement a visual queue system showing the patient's position in line and estimated wait time for the current patient in the queue.

4. Notifications And Alerts: Send push notifications to remind patients of their turn and direct them to the check-up room.

5. Branding and Visual Design: Use a professional and calming color palette, such as soft blues and whites, to convey a sense of trust and reliability.

6. Real-Time Chat: Allow users to send messages (text, voice, and images) to the clinic for seamless communication and assistance.

7. Accessibility Features: Ensure the app is accessible by following WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) standards.

8. Patient Education Resources: Patients can access informative articles and essays recommended by doctors to learn more about their illness from trusted sources.

9. User-Friendly Dashboard: Display user turns, with date, time, name, and insurance by using draggable elements.

10. Privacy and Security: The system is equipped with features to detect and prevent spam, which includes the rapid sending of requests by users.

11. Multilingual SupportOffer language options to accommodate patients from diverse backgrounds.
Design Process
Competitors Analysis
I carefully researched my competitors in this phase of my project, looking at what they offer in the market and considering their strengths and weaknesses to gain valuable insights for project success.
1. Familiarity: Maintains the same look as the traditional system, promoting a sense of familiarity for users.
2. Smooth Interaction: Helps connect customers and employees seamlessly.
3. Detailed Reports: Provides in-depth statistics and comprehensive reports for better decision-making.
Useful Dashboard: Offers an easy-to-use dashboard for effective organization.
1. Limited User Accessibility: Users face challenges in accessing and using the application effectively.
2. Privacy Concerns: Users have expressed privacy concerns regarding the handling of personal data.
3. Functionality Gaps: The application falls short of meeting user needs and expectations, resulting in dissatisfaction.
4. Data Handling: There are concerns regarding the collection and processing of personal data, which may require improved transparency and security measures.
5. Usability Challenges: Users find the application hard to use, indicating potential usability issues.
6. Design Inconsistencies: Lack of consistency in icon sizes and element spacing affects the overall user experience and visual aesthetics.
Users Persona​​​​​​​
Informed by extensive research involving individuals seeking assistance, various stakeholders providing support, and seasoned professionals in this domain, we have gleaned valuable insights. These insights form the foundation for the creation of user personas, which help us better understand and empathize with the individuals we aim to serve.
User journey 
Now that I've brainstormed and drawn inspiration, I'm fully committed to turning my initial sketches into detailed wireframes. I've put a lot of effort into perfecting these wireframes, aiming for top-notch quality and functionality."
High Fidelity For Patient 
High Fidelity For Clinic 
Final Design For patient
Final Design For Clinic
Color Blindness
Next step
The next step in our Queue Management System project is to put it to the test in a real-world setting, with a strong focus on improving patient customer service. We'll work closely with our users and staff to ensure everything runs smoothly, fix any hiccups, and make sure everyone feels comfortable with the new system. Once we've done that, we'll be all set to introduce a better, more efficient way to serve our patients and enhance their overall experience.
MedQ Queue Management System

MedQ Queue Management System
