XSONA is the excursus of the mask conceived as a necessary survival device to exist in a reality that grind us, a weapon that protects while it wounds.

It’s a deep and close dimension where we can be ourselves, free from any judgement, a safe place to keep our weakness and secrets inside. the zine is basically the collection of different projects previously published in my uni’s thesis “PERSONA”.

portrait of d.i.y. masks created with the aim to protect in daylife, without renounce to express ourselves. The masks can be seen as an accessory but also as a weapon. Pics were taken with Francesco Colombo on March 19th 2023.

RAPTUS (2023)
how many times we were forced to hide our emotions (such rage, hate, distress) while in social situation?
I wanted to show what’s under the mask of the “apparent calm” exporting the faces of some pics I took in the last years and replacing them with images of nuclear and vulcanic explosions.

NKWN (2022/2023)
some friends shared with me their collection of passport photos and I decided to draw on them some protective sigils on the faces to protect their identities.
I also collected by myself p.p. of people I personally know.

SCARTO (2023)
my room was full of flyers, paper and stuff I found on the ground so I decided to give them a new life  and create some collage. I shaped them as balaklava and then put all togethere in a zine that nevers saw the light. 
XSONA | Zine


XSONA | Zine
