Women of Colours
Growing up in Vietnam and being born there, I had the privilege of experiencing countless Vietnamese opera performances alongside my grandmother when being 5. I was captivated by the remarkable talents of the artists and the splendid costumes they adorned. It was during these formative experiences that I came to appreciate the rich cultural tapestry of Vietnam, which, like other nations, possesses unique and distinct cultural identities. This profound realization has consistently served as a wellspring of inspiration for my creative endeavors, providing abundant material for my artistic works.

The Women of Colours project is a collection of stories in which I hope to promote Vietnamese culture while also telling and tributing the story of women's representation throughout history in many parts of  our culture such as films, poetry, and literature. This project also shows the evalution of women in Viet's society and culture.
What's Loyalty ?
In Viet Nam, during feudal society, when Confucianism still played an important role in the country's education system, its biggest drawback was disregarding the role and position of women, considering them to be a lower class in society, whether one is a child of royalty or a wealthy family. In this period ,women are not permitted to attend school or study letters and literature. This is the primary source of inspiration for my "What is loyalty?" artwork. By employing a traditional art form (Vietnamese opera) as a chemistry to help me storytelling my messages.
Your Love Is Not Your Own
Your Love Is Not Your Own is my artistic perspective of the picture of women in the Vietnamese legend "My Chau Trong Thuy." This narrative is about the unending love of two characters, and how their love transcends all of society's crises and laws. In this narrative, the women is considerably stronger, braver, and prepared to sacrifice for her loves. By recreating the old story but in the new look, I want to tribute our priceless lengend story of Viet Nam through my work.
Love After Love
Love After Love have been inspired by "Dat Rung Phuong Nam" of Doan Gioi. This narrative was written  by Doan Gioi in 1957, set in the Southwest region in 1945, after the French colonialists returned to invade Viet Nam.The story reflects the miserable life of the farmers, during the war between Vietnam and the French colonialists.The central theme of this story is love, not just between people but also between people and their country. In this era, women fulfil the same role as males. They are self-sufficient and stronger, willing to sacrifice their love to safeguard a nation.
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Women Of Colours


Women Of Colours
