Driven by a lifelong passion for cosmetics and the industry, my latest endeavor culminated in a sophisticated logo concept for a luxury cosmetic brand .We drew inspiration from nature's most graceful creatures, two elegant birds. Their delicate forms, graceful movements, and vibrant plumage embodied the essence of beauty we wanted to convey. This creation harmonizes modern design with an innate sense of opulence, aiming to captivate the brand's essence.
Inspired by the interplay of contemporary aesthetics and timeless elegance, I meticulously crafted each element to reflect the brand's heritage while embracing innovation. The resulting logo encapsulates a sense of prestige and sophistication, embodying the brand's commitment to excellence.
This emblem not only signifies a visual identity but also represents a fusion of creativity, dedication, and aspiration. With this project, I celebrate the cosmetics realm while offering a symbol that echoes elevated luxury.
The right colors can evoke emotions and set the tone for a brand. I meticulously experimented with shades until I found a harmonious palette that would resonate with our audience.
Twin Brids


Twin Brids
