Philip Robert Brain Moss's profile

Corporate Design For Cork Tree Industries

Exploration of showing information more interestingly from Porter's Value Chain presented as a cake to the profit and loss statements designed as a "Till Receipt". These designs are more exciting and striking ways of presenting information than a "wall of text". Making the information more engaging is vital to retaining eyes on the business.
This design project was an exploration of Angular-focused art direction with a restrictive colour pallet of red, white, cyan and black. It explores and redefines a brand with a bold but modern sensibility. The angular nature of the designs gives it an edge that stands out.

The CTI logo needs a refresh to be more in line with their company name. It's a vast improvement of their previous logo, which came tired and stale to something that is a mix of nature and the industrial. 
Corporate Design For Cork Tree Industries

Corporate Design For Cork Tree Industries
