Navya Sethi's profile

Book Design - with love_

About the project

*This project was triggered as a response to the notes on my phone app and the letters in my folder*
Sometimes, I’m not the best at expressing outwardly; I even struggle to find my place in life. Be it someone else’s or mine, for that matter. I guess we all do. And we are a generation that has learned to pretend our ways through, to convince ourselves that we’re fine. But because John Keating in Dead Poets Society said, “poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for”, this is an endeavour to silently converse with each other.

This book is a compilation of anonymous notes from strangers, on the matters of their hearts, consciously visualised by me with illustrations and photographs.

Inspired by the collective human experience of emotions, it’s a take on dismantling the meaning of love, desire and heartbreak.

Let’s just call it a desperate attempt to make sense out of this life... Each page tells a new story; our stories.

So, here’s to us, lousy actors with lonely hearts.

what makes it unique is that it’s me, my vision, on paper.
what makes it relatable is that it’s the collective human experience of emotions. what makes it ours, are the stories we have, to tell.
i see you
Book Dimensions: 5.7 x 7.3 inches 
Pages: 150
Purpose of the Project

“We read books and highlight the lines that speak to us, we listen to music and tatoo the lyrics that touch us, we turn to poetry and learn the lines that become us;
we’re all hopefully inept people, struggling in vain to coherently express ourselves. We know what we want to say but we don’t know how.”
- reasons why I write // enigma

we think the same things, in different words and don’t send out the notes that hide in our phones.

We belong to a generation that is known to be stressed, depressed, our feelings often supressed.
So, this is an attempt to talk, understand, relate with each other.
You’d be surprised to know that we’re more similiar than we thought we could be.
We have so much to say, with the unsurety of how to.
I guess this is what brings us together, as a generation.
The book does not have any characters or defined gender...Only skeletons and silhouettes. Because that’s the one thing we all have in common, as human beings. It’s what we share, regardless.
Book Design - with love_


Book Design - with love_
