Late in 2013 I produced a series of graphic prints using a collection of shots from my back catalogue. So frequently I find myself shooting things off brief, or without a brief at all. Not that thats a thing to complain about, but often these shots can find themselves unused & unloved. I took this oppourtunity to pull out some items out the archives & give them a new lease of life. With alot of my work it rarely ends in print, these however have been put togther with the primary intention of ending up as prints. 
The images themselves came from all sorts of locations, family holidays, trips away with work, assistants that found themselves well placed, & even the poor bird, whose luck was up at the time. A passion that I imagine my work shows quiet prominently is my love to retouch, to take images beyond the concevable. Not since college have I painted colours & washes in the same way I have here. This was a really fun oppoiurtunity to do something out of my day to day. 
These were printed & displayed in a small gallery along with a good friend of mines work in Novemeber & Decemeber 2013 near my home in Cheltenham. I hope that you like them.
Philip E James


A series of Graphic Prints based on photography from my archives.
