Can't Sleep Again
1 in 13 people will develop post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, in their lifetime. 49% of rape victims will develop PTSD. PTSD can occur simultaneously as depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders. After being sexually assaulted, I developed PTSD alongside my other mental health disorders, making them worse than before. I have always had a problem with biting my nails, but flashbacks increase my anxiety and I bite them more often. I have noticed I get lost in my thoughts more and can't stay as focused on my surroundings because of these memories.
I have documented these thoughts and habits that I see worsening in my everyday life; things that I want to quit or experiences that I have due to PTSD. I have incorporated self-portraits that depict my experiences, feelings, and habits that I face while also using nature to portray the thoughts that run through my head constantly. I collaged multiple nature images to show the intertwined thoughts and how they overlap. I used a studio light for the self-portraits and natural lighting for the nature images.
Can't Stay on Track                                                                                                      Anxious Habit
Bad Habit                                                                                          My Head Was Somewhere Else
I Cry with the Sky                                                                                           Numb the Thoughts
© April 2023 Emilee Grummel Photography