Aishwarya Mohanty's profile

TrueBasics- PMS Care Packaging

TrueBasics For Her- PMS Care

Design Brief:

The days leading to your period as well as your period days give you mood swings, bloating, cramps, and sugar craving. Crafted especially for women, a pms bar with ayurvedic ingredients like Shatavari, KSM-66 Ashwagandha & Ginger for reducing cramps, hormonal balance, and to alleviate mood swings. Dark Chocolate in it takes care of those sugar cravings. These are everyday health bars that can be had anytime anywhere, but are especially helpful during that time of the month.

Flavour: Belgian chocolate & Belgian chocolate with cranberry flavour 

Target audience: 20-40 years, women, tier 1

Goal: Attractive packaging that generates impulse purchase. Women should want to pick them off the shelf impulsively.

Packaging requirement:

- Master primary packaging design that can be adapted for the two flavours. 
- Secondary packaging design that can hold six bars of the same flavour. 
Bar Packaging Designs

TrueBasics- PMS Care Packaging


TrueBasics- PMS Care Packaging
