Olya Dyatlova's profile

Small sketches and expressions on womanhood

Being Ukrainian means you always have to question all the content you create and post on social media, because the war isn’t over. Many of the illustrators I follow became activists, spreading the information about war, picturing it and doing their best to show others what russian army is doing on our land.

A few months ago I could draw nothing, but war. It’s impossible to describe that feeling of constant pain and anger, while seeing all the videos with destroyed buildings, knowing that people you love are in danger. It makes you feel numb. It led me to the point, where I couldn’t draw anything at all for a long time (if it wasn’t commissioned). So here’s my small late office sketches I did some Friday after long exhausting day (and probably even months).
Small sketches and expressions on womanhood


Small sketches and expressions on womanhood

Small sketches and expressions on womanhood that are created using ink, usually done within 5-7 minutes.
