Small in size. Mighty in spirit.

5’2 不再單純代表身高,而是她的信念、是她想實現的願景。

The experience of studying abroad in the UK in the past made it quite challenging for the petite 5'2" host to find suitable clothing and accessories. However, as she wandered between stores and searched for the perfect fit, her experiences while studying in the UK also brought her many inspirations. Throughout this process, the host gradually realized that even when alone, as long as she believed in herself and made diligent efforts, each step of progress and change brought her closer to her goals.

Being 5'2" no longer merely represents her height but embodies her beliefs and the vision she wishes to achieve.

Key Ideas
Empowered 有力量的╱​​​​​​​Solid 紮實的╱​​​​​​​Edgy 有個性的╱​​​​​​​Firm-Mild 柔中帶剛的​​​​​​​

觸摸,乘載著安穩的重量,應敲鑿進可每日穿戴的配件中,5feet2 便以此為使命致力打造細緻而具有份量感的貼身首飾。5feet2 取自身長 5’2,提點創辦人曾經旅居英國、以嬌小身姿尋覓合身物件之際,同時回觀自我價值的過程。褪去了單位、拿下了框架,數字可以僅作為一道刻痕,或深或淺地映出 5feet2 蘊含力量的點點光芒。

5feet2 aims to deliver a sense of stability through final touches of the look. The accessories of 5feet2 weight perfectly and complete the style with satisfying details. The name 5feet2 is taken from the height of the founder 5'2. It ignites the years she spent in the UK, also the reflections she gained from the journey as a petite girl. The number itself no longer defines the figure. Instead, it acts as a milestone of self-exploration, empowering whoever wears it with glow.

Visual Identity
Small but mighty,微小而堅毅。5feet2 試圖以具有份量感的飾品,提醒每個曾在心底拋出問句的女性,只要足夠堅定,任何挑戰都無法打敗你。首飾將不再被侷限於穿搭配件,而是以更踏實的形象安放心底,陪伴人們逐步找著首飾更個人化的意義。以此概念延伸,我們將天然元素中帶有雕塑感的稜角化作視覺語彙,結合溫婉線條,映照出每個獨立女性帶著力量的優雅面貌。

Small but mighty, 5feet2 aims to remind every questioning woman that with enough determination, no challenge can defeat you. The weighty accessories serve as a reminder of this message. Jewelry will no longer be confined to mere fashion accessories; instead, it will find a deeper place in people's hearts, accompanying them as they discover the personal significance of each piece. Drawing inspiration from this concept, we use sculptural angles from natural elements combined with gentle curves, reflecting the elegant strength of every independent woman.


To ensure a stable overseas shipment, we designed a watch stand that can securely hold the watches. Taking into account the sustainability of the packaging materials, once the package is opened, the stand can be repurposed as a display rack for necklaces, watches, and other accessories.

With the watch box shipment, the gratitude card envelope serves a dual purpose. It can be used to store small watch parts 
and watch straps, while the outer compartment is perfect for holding warranty cards and watch cleaning cloths.
This thoughtful design ensures that the unboxing experience is both organized and complete.

CL. 5feet2 ╱ DA. Phil Studio

Thank you :)




The experience of studying abroad in the UK in the past made it quite challenging for the petite 5'2" host to find suitable clothing and accessor Read More
