Behind the lens of my camera, I strive to create captivating frames that resemble scenes from a movie.
My photographs reflect my vision, focusing on the subdued colors, darkness, and high contrast to portray the emotions evoked by Kadıköy, a neighborhood that holds a special place in my heart. Kadıköy is not just a district; it's a lifestyle and an endless source of inspiration.
As I roam the streets, I abandon any plans and capture the essence of life in the very moment it unfolds. The beauty of life lies in the unexpected and spontaneous moments, and my goal is to freeze them in time.
Each frame invites the viewer to join my emotional journey, as I infuse my personal vision and feelings into every photograph. My work aims to open the eyes of my audience and take them on an emotional ride.
If you're eager to explore these movie-like, mesmerizing moments from life and experience what Kadıköy makes me feel, I welcome you to join this artistic voyage.




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