Choosing the Perfect Diamond  Ring
When it comes to white gold vs. platinum , both metals offer unique qualities. White gold, a popular choice, is a blend of pure gold and other white metals, such as silver and palladium. It provides a beautiful, lustrous appearance and is relatively more affordable than platinum. On the other hand, platinum is known for its durability, hypoallergenic properties, and stunning white color that doesn’t fade over time. Frank Darling offers a wide range of white gold and platinum jewelry options, ensuring you find the perfect match for your style and preferences.

If you’re interested in environmentally friendly and sustainable options, Frank Darling also offers lab-created diamonds. These diamond in lab are grown in a controlled environment using advanced technology, replicating the natural diamond formation process. Lab-created diamonds have the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as mined diamonds, making them a great ethical choice without compromising on quality or beauty. With Frank Darling’s lab-created diamond collection, you can find the perfect piece that resonates with your values and style.

Speaking of lab-created diamonds, Frank Darling understands the growing diamonds in a lab interest in these beautiful gems. Their collection includes stunning engagement rings featuring lab-created diamonds, giving you a wide array of options to celebrate your love in a sustainable and socially responsible way.

In addition to lab-created diamonds, Frank Darling also offers a selection of other stunning alternatives, such as moissanite rings. Moissanite is a naturally occurring mineral that resembles a diamond but possesses its own unique brilliance and fire. With a moissanite ring from Frank Darling, you can enjoy the beauty and affordability of this captivating gemstone.

we understand that your wedding rings is a cherished symbol of your commitment and love. That’s why we pride ourselves on creating exceptional pieces that reflect your unique style and personality. Our collection includes a wide range of designs, from classic and traditional to modern and avant-garde, ensuring there’s something to suit every couple’s taste.

We all know what a halo engagement ring is, right? Arguably the hottest engagement ring trend of the early 2000s and still going strong, it’s a style that surrounds your center stone in a ring of light, brilliant diamonds that encircle diamonds, sometimes two rows deep! But the new kid on the block, for those who maybe want something a little less ostentatious, is the hidden halo engagement rings.

While diamonds may not be as rare as their marketing suggests, they are truly expensive. That’s because starting a new diamond mine is really, really expensive. And once they’re started, mines don’t try to sell all their diamonds at the same time. They keep prices high by slowly releasing measured quantities of diamonds over decades, carefully timed in response to market demand. So, your typical round brilliant diamond may be rare to you, but it’s not particularly rare in a cosmic sense. Asscher cut diamond ring , on the other hand, are uniquely difficult to find. The asscher cut ring is fussy. They’re expensive. And good ones are so difficult to find that you could exhaust even the most patient jeweler. Diamond cutters cut less than 2% of diamonds into Asschers.

rose cut diamond engagement ring is the anti diamond. What’s to love? A better question might be, what’s not to love and lucky for you — we’re here to answer that . If you hate diamonds and you’re being forced to wear them anyways, a rose cut diamond is probably your best option .

Emerald cut diamond engagement rings require a certain confidence of the wearer and a certain style of setting to really look their best. They’re so finicky, in fact, that we’re about to convince you not to buy one. Or at least, we’re going to try.

Engagement rings

Engagement rings


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