Matthew Crook's profile

Alien Landscapes XXII

There are places in this universe that are very different from the planet you and I inhabit. Take, for example, the planets Dwailiawd in NGC 5194 (the Whirlpool Galaxy). That's right, the planets Dwailiawd. There are two planets in the same orbit, on opposite sides of their shared star. Both claim exclusive right to the name Dwailiawd and insist that the other planet should be 'Dwailiawd' spelled backwards. Fortunately, this rivalry is a friendly one. The Dwailiawdi's favorite pastime is to travel to the rival planet and challenge as many 'enemies' as they can to hand-to-hand combat. And their 'enemies' are always willing to oblige. All of the parks on both planets are essentially giant arenas for these contests, sometimes with intimidating sculptures overlooking the proceedings. If a defender is knocked unconscious, the visitor seeks out a new rival; if the visitor is knocked unconscious, they go home.

These illustrations were drawn using Stable Diffusion 2.1.
Alien Landscapes XXII