Dũng Hoàng's profile


CSC - CBN Student Council, established in 2020, is an organization representing the CBN - Bac Ninh Specialized High School student community, for the rights and benefits of students.

Some side story:
When I first entered the school, I didn't know many clubs, so I missed most of their applications. I had a passion for graphic design around the same time, noticing my previous works, a senior introduced me to CSC.

At CSC, I had many interesting experiences as a newbie in graphic design. I continued to accompany with CSC until the next generation and became a Core member in the team of media, but I still work as a graphic designer.

So, here are my journey:
Gen 01 Member Recruitment and School Psychology Department Establishment [2020]
When I first worked at CSC, I did not have much experience with software so I faced many difficulties, I am very grateful for the feedbacks of my seniors. At this time, CSC has a rather minimal concept, so I got used to the job pretty quickly.
Social Posts
UDC - Uniform Design Contest [2021]
UDC - Uniform Design Contest is a competition for students in the school, to encourage students to be creative and express their individuality by designing a dream uniform. From there, the school will choose a winning product to put into use. Unfortunately, although the competition was a great success with many excellent entries, the school did not use the new uniform for the students.

For this event, keeping a flat concept, I experimented with using Geometric Design as the event's identity. I'm a bit disappointed with the color palette people chose, but happy with the output.
Social Posts
Official Concept
Gen 02 Member Recruitment [2021]
The recruitment of the 2nd generation members has the concept of "Fingerprint" - each person has their own unique imprint.

Now that I had become the Head of Communications, I had to take care of the Content, so this was a enormous challenge for me.

Since it was a recruitment, I still used Gen 01's signature color scheme, with a little "spice up".
"Đại Học Đừng Học Đại" Workshop [2021]
"Đại Học Đừng Học Đại" (raw translation: Don't Study Huge in Huge Uni) is a workshop for students, providing information about studying at university. The workshop has speakers who will provide insights for students to have more resources about life when they are over the age of 18, when faced with choosing a major, choosing a school.

With the desire to convey a friendly workshop to students, and to describe the diversity of universities and professions, I took a reference from the famous Kpop survival show "Produce 101" with a bright yellow color scheme.
Social Posts
Lunar New Year [2022]
Tet has always been a special occasion for me. When Tet comes, I get to experiment with many typical colors of Tet, making publications for the Tet season that makes me very excited.
Organization President Election [2022]​​​​​​​
Gen 03 Member Recruitment [2022]​​​​​​​


