Battu | Brand Identity Design & Website


Identity Design System, Website, Pitch Deck, Brand Collateral design for Battu, a last-mile delivery ops startup.

Being a startup ourselves, we totally get the struggles faced by our fellow entrepreneurs. That's why the talented design team at 9Works jumped in to lend a hand to Battu, a disruptive startup shaking up the last-mile delivery game in India's hyper-growth delivery and supply market with their EV fleets.
We put our focus on crafting a sleek and eye-catching visual language that helps Battu stand-out from the fierce competition. Trust us, it's all about being simple yet distinct.
We created a no b/s website for the brand to establish their online presence.
To check the design, stroll on over to the website.

Some more behind the scenes. Alternate directions explored that didn't make the cut.
That's all for now folks! 
Tell us which direction did you like more. Ciao!
Battu | Brand Identity Design & Website

Project Made For

Battu | Brand Identity Design & Website

Brand Identity and Website design for Battu, an EV delivery fleet startup. An Identity Design System with Logo, Typography, Iconography, Colors a Read More
