The Toy Box
By: Hosea Gamble
The Game in Motion
The Toy Box showcases a lot more of what I can do with Unreal Engine. I made this towards the end of 2022 and I wanted it to showcase not only the collection but my implementation of health, and damage features. This is one of my first games using code in conjunction with blueprints as well which also makes it special for me. 

I ran into so many problems throughout the original creation of this project as my laptop broke since it had gotten ran over. I used a public computer to even create this. needless to say, it was a fairly slow computer. So, when it came to adding this to my portfolio it made it even more special, and I had to change many of my "#include" statements, to suffice with the drives that I have in my own computer. 

One of my biggest issues in refinement was adding a health collectible. It may not seem as complicated but since my health was originally tied to code, this was something I looked many places to fix as adding this project back to my personal computer corrupted some of my code as well. The biggest solution came when I was able to reroute health to a blueprint instead. 

Something positive I wanted to highlight was how I was able to take such simple structures that you would find in a toy box and create a level out of them. I also find myself being better with AI. This is the first project I was able to implement an AI element into and I am proud of what I was able to accomplish by doing so.
The Toy Box


The Toy Box


Creative Fields