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Painting The Hill

Painting the Hill

I do not normally post a single image and then talk about it but this photo is special. 

It was taken in 2018 while following a trail to the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles.  It sat in my collection for a long time before I envisioned it more as a painting than a photograph.  The day before I had my fill of art at the Getty Art Museum and I was satisfied to capture this image and put it away for another day.

The single figure on the trail is not me but it might as well be.  You could also easily imagine yourself, walking slowly up the sandy trail, past the rounded mound in the foreground, with your eye on the magnificent dome above.

It may speak to the creative mind, sculpting something fine from something raw, with some effort.  Keep climbing.
Trail to Griffith Observatory - Los Angeles  2018
Painting The Hill


Painting The Hill

A painterly approach to an image of the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles.
