Upstream Asia 上游文创's profile

Cybernetic Dystopian / Prologue

"Cybernetic Dystopian / Prologue" plunges into a post-apocalyptic future where the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds have blurred. In this speculative world, humans have evolved into fully cybernetic beings, their consciousnesses entwined with sophisticated Mixed Reality (MR) sets and battling in a war that transcends the physical realm into the realm of the mind, via direct brain-computer neural interfaces.
This anime project offers a vivid portrayal of a society lost in a cybernetic meta-universe, with ordinary people oblivious to the ongoing war in the real world. A war waged by digital soldiers equipped with high-tech gear, driven by a single mission - to penetrate this virtual world and uncover a brighter future for humanity.
At the forefront of this fight are our characters - robotic human females donned in MR armour, echoing the design sensibilities of Zaha Hadid's fluid and futuristic architectural philosophy. They are not just warriors, but symbols of resistance and hope, and their journey forms the crux of this engaging narrative.
The title, "Cybernetic Dystopian / Prologue", embodies the project's central themes. It signals the onset of a dystopian cybernetic future, laying the groundwork for an epic narrative that will unravel as the series progresses.
As you explore the "Cybernetic Dystopian / Prologue" showcase, I invite you to immerse yourself in the compelling narrative, appreciate the intricate design elements, and ponder over the thought-provoking themes it presents.

Cybernetic Dystopian / Prologue


Cybernetic Dystopian / Prologue
