10%? Project

The brief for the project: 10%?
The "10% Project" has been running for some years and has produced a slew of interesting ideas. However, these plans, like many well-intended projects in South Africa, frequently fail to materialize. This failure is not always due to a lack of feasibility of the ideas themselves, but rather to a lack of the necessary support, incentives, or backing. The goal of this project is to look at previous 10% efforts and analyze how they may be implemented in the real world.
Business we looked at
We where tasked with looking at an NGO that operated independently of government intervention and external funding, functioning as autonomous entities. The business that we focused our research on was "wellness warehouse". Wellness Warehouse South Africa’s leading natural health and well-being retailer. They carry environmentally friendly items such as non-GMO foods and non-toxic cleaning products, as well as natural body care and sustainable baby products.

What we learnt from wellness warehouse is that they had a wide product selection which could cater to a wide audience. They focus on having good customer service so consumers would have a good experience and be more likely to come back to a store. They engage with the community. There practices where sustainable and offered a healthy solution. They succeeded due being financially sustainable. They where able to make there business well known by creating brand awareness and handling market competition
We created posters showing off our information in a more visual manner
We also went on cite to interview people at the store in order to gain more research about "wellness warehouse"
The 10% Group we focused on
The 10 Percent group that we where assigned to focus on where the Park life group. The Park life group is focused on public parks. They where studying the activity and the surroundings history and usage patterns of the park. They where studying the many similarities and differences of different parks and they where trying to look at the parks but more specifically on how it makes people feel and how they can improve the parks for future use.

To gain more insights about parks we went to a nearby park to help use when coming up with a design solution for the project​​​​​​​
Our design solution
Due to the park life group focusing a public area we had to look at a design solution they could be implemented and removed easily. The business design solution that we decided to approach was a market as it could be there in the park one day and the next. The market would focus on catering towards a variety of people and ages by offering different activities to keep everyone entertained.

The final output was The market would serve as a platform to promote organic and eco-friendly products while showcasing local artists and artisans. By combining art, creativity, and sustainable living, we aim to create a unique event that engages and educates the community on the importance of environmentally conscious practices. The main problems we encountered where finding a location  for the market that was safe and easily accessible with parking. What out comes we are expecting that it will the market would help attract people towards the park as it would give them a reason to come to the park, the market would also create some feeling of security as the park would be more populated so people may feel safer
To help get an idea for what the market might look like in the park we used AI generated imagery to help visualize and get a better idea of what our design solution would look like if it where Implemented
10%? Project