Earn Your Seal - Candid

Candid approached us with creating a video ad, focusing on how their SaaS platform helps nonprofits and assists those contributing to a good cause.

One of Candid’s top priorities is to create a timeless video that won't be outdated anytime soon. They also want to encourage their users to reapply for the latest seals of the year.

That's where Optious comes in. We took on the challenge of creating an engaging video from start to finish, including script adjustments, storyboard, animation, and sound effects.

After overcoming some creative obstacles, we sent the finished video to Candid for approval. And they loved it.

With our combined efforts, Candid and Optious created a video that not only tells a compelling story, but also motivates people to take action.
Behind The Scenes
Earn Your Seal - Candid

Earn Your Seal - Candid

This is the seventh video we produced for Candid, and this time they wanted to refresh an older video we previously did. One of the key points th Read More
