UNIKA ®'s profile

Studio Circular

Inspired in the concept of unlocking the full potential of the human body and witnessing its remarkable capabilities, we've design the story and visual identity for Studio Circular.

Throughout the ages, humanity has marvelled at the remarkable strength and grace exhibited by elite athletes and dancers. However, there has also been an awareness of the unfortunate consequences that can arise from pushing the body to its limits, resulting in early damage and injuries. This is where Studio Circular's distinctive approach comes into play.

At Studio Circular, they have harnessed the profound knowledge and technique of the Gyrotonic® method, combined with the personal experience and expertise of Alexandra Z., a certified trainer. Together, they offer a transformative journey that aims to restore the inherent wisdom of the body. Drawing from her own personal voyage, Alexandra has gained invaluable insights into the intricacies of the human body, empowering her to guide individuals in developing a deep and meaningful connection with their own physical selves. Through this connection, people are able to inhabit their bodies with pleasure, confidence, and trust.

The efficacy of Studio Circular's method is evident not only through the involvement of renowned sports players, Olympic competitors, and performing artists but also through the countless testimonials of life-changing experiences with Gyrotonic®. Through this powerful practice, Studio Circular enables individuals to tap into their fullest potential and discover their own unique path of growth in life.

Studio Circular perceives movement in all its forms as the essence of life and nature. It is regarded as a miraculous gift that allows individuals to experience the world through their physical bodies, fostering a profound connection between the mind and soul. Studio Circular firmly believes that everyone deserves the opportunity to unlock the boundless beauty and power that resides within their bodies. They advocate for seeking out the right sources and engaging in practices like Gyrotonic® as a means to avoid subjecting oneself to pain or suffering. Instead, Studio Circular encourages individuals to embrace the joy and pleasure that stem from fully appreciating and enjoying the incredible machine that is the human body.

Studio Circular


Studio Circular
