Rim Abdallah's profile

2nd Place Winner - Type Poster Competition

Second Place Winner - Shift Forward 2 Competition
Second Place Winner in the “Shift Forward 2” competition and exhibition organised by the Syndicate of Graphic Designers in Lebanon.
             The poster embraces a vibrant element of the Lebanese culture, merging humor, tradition, and visual dynamism. Inspired by Ziad al Rahbani's witty quote, " مش كل واحد حامل مسبحة يعني شيخ يمكن يكون راجع من دبكه" I aimed to convey the profound connection between our cultural expressions.
             The poster aims to engage viewers through a striking visual impact, while also evoking a sense of nostalgia and pride. By celebrating our Lebanese traditions, it prompts conversations about our multifaceted identities and fosters a collective appreciation for our shared cultural heritage. In addition, an alternative interpretation of the poster offers a lighthearted perspective, playfully questioning the notion that every individual holding a prayer bead automatically assumes the role of a religious scholar with the privilege of providing religious advice. Through gentle humor, the design encourages reflection on societal assumptions, inviting viewers to reconsider preconceived notions in a thought-provoking manner.

2nd Place Winner - Type Poster Competition


2nd Place Winner - Type Poster Competition
