Ceviche is a Spanish family oriented restaurant serving sustainably raised seafood. It offers a jubilant atmosphere with live music and friendly servers, but is still serious about sustainable seafood practices. The primary target market for this project are parents with children between the ages of 5-10. 
To create a branding system for Ceviche fish market, which includes packaging and environmental design. 
The color orange was used to represent the vibrant Latino culture. Pieces produced for this project are a kids menu, a to-go box, and other miscellaneous items. The purpose of the kid’s menu was created to entertain the children while they wait for their food while educating them about seafood and sustainability. The overall clean aesthetic was used to feel fun and minimal while still being environmentaly-friendly. All menus are produced using soy-based ink while the to-go box is made from eco-friendly renewable corn plastic, which breaks down quickly. 
Ceviche storefront
top of ceviche takeout box
bottom of ceviche takeout box
kids menu with sustainable fish information


Sustainable Fish Market
