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Civil War Spider-Man Hologram Design

Captain America: Civil War Spider-Man Signal Wrist Hologram Design
Our team at Perception collaborated with Marvel Studios on Captain America: Civil War to design an intricate and crucial piece of technology - Spider-Man's signal projection. Our goal was to marry the classic and iconic ‘Spidey-Signal’ with the bleeding edge technology, purpose, and the spirit of Tony Stark. We began by exploring a range of flat UI designs, inspired by comics, Spider-Man's and Tony Stark's personalities, and futuristic technologies that our team has worked on with global tech brands.
Working closely with Captain America: Civil War directors, Joe and Anthony Russo, we honed in on the style of signal that would perfectly fit Spider-Man. From there, we built the projections, tinkering with a range of aesthetics and purposes, such as tactical X-rays and playful social media features.

Our final design is the perfect blend of Tony Stark's advanced technology and Peter Parker's playful characterization. Although this element appears in the film briefly, we used it as an opportunity to introduce features and functions that could be taken advantage of in subsequent films. By designing concepts beyond futuristic eye-candy, we unlocked possibilities for the directors, writers and producers at Marvel Studios. 
Discover more of our contributions to Spider-Man's technology in our 
on the Perception website.
Civil War Spider-Man Hologram Design

Civil War Spider-Man Hologram Design
