______________________THE POLAR COAT, ANTARCTICA______________________
Under-grad Thesis Project                                                                                             year : 2018

The thesis aims at designing an integrated, self-sustaining modular community that will support the current living population of researchers, staffs and tourists in the world’s coldest desert. The main motto of the project being - “feeling of individuality with an experience of community living.”  The intent is to provide people with an inclusive built space. 
The application of geometry, in the line with methods to combat climatic challenges is added as an additional layer based solely on the outcomes of background research and case studies.
Before designing the final forms of my modules, material analysis was done to derive at an optimal internal temperature. Snow build up, waste management, food productions has been a few challenges in Polar region, therefore, my module will use climatic constraint for energy production and ice thaw technique to provide constant supply of water. Intelligent self-sustaining passive greenhouse plantation system is installed in the lower chambers to promote vegetable growth, which will be equipped with wireless environmental regulators to be able to control temperature. 

Therefore, within the framework of this thesis I want to delve into understanding the relationship between man and climatic constraints.

