Sophie Caulfield's profile

Have You Heard of a Pangolin?

The brief for this project was set by UHI in partnership with Portsmouth University. The aim of the project was to create a cohesive set of illustrations to raise awareness for one of the top Wildlife Crime Priorities in Scotland. I decided to focus on CITES issues (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) as I had learnt that the worlds most trafficked mammal is largely unknown. The pangolin is a gentle, shy animal that is found in Asia and Africa. They are considered a delicacy in some Asian countries and their scales are used in traditional Asian and African medicine. Although pangolins are a protected species and countries such as China have removed them from their approved medicine list they continue to be illegally poached and trafficked with the expectation of them becoming extinct within the next 20 years as they cannot sustain the levels of poaching.

I created an educational pack for children to help raise awareness of the pangolin.  As I had to ensure it was suitable for young children whilst still informing them about the severity of the issue, I decided to design an illustrated poem, activities and stickers. 
Have You Heard of a Pangolin?


Have You Heard of a Pangolin?
