A series of Embroidery Hoop Art based on books. These were done as sample fabric art pieces based on the theme “books that moved me” for my local library.
“Le Petit Prince” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
“The Alchemist” – Paulo Coelho
“Invisible Cities” – Italo Calvino
I had so much fun sewing these mainly because I love my books, it was difficult choosing which ones to base my embroidery hoop art upon… “The Little Prince” was a easy choice since it is one of my all-time favourites and I have read it multiple times, not just for the story but also for the simply beautiful illustrations done by the author himself. Then there is “The Alchemist” which is a book i remember fondly from having to analyse it during literature class, the only book i truly enjoyed during the class. The phrase “when you want something, the universe conspires to help you achieve it” just stood out for me then (and again now, since i highlighted and underlined it multiple times in my school days) Lastly, I picked a book I only just got round to reading “Invisible Cities” because I am enjoying its rich descriptions of various cities (or just Venice really.)
Threading Tales showcased at Creatory vol.1: Local is Best event
Treading Tales

Treading Tales

A series of Embroidery Hoop Art based on books. These were done as sample fabric art pieces based on the theme “books that moved me” for my local Read More
