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Squisito: New Identity, Circular Packaging and Strategy

The New Logo to reflect the brand’s values of circular economy. The Squisito logo underwent a thoughtful update to better align with the company's new philosophy of following a circular economy. In order to achieve this, the straight and strong lines of the previous logo were softened to give it a more organic and approachable appearance. One key element that was missing from the company's visual language was a mascot that could embody the happy, circular, and environmentally-friendly image of the brand. The sun icon was therefore added to fill this gap and bring a unique identity to the brand. The style of the icon, inspired by traditional Sicilian tile designs, pays homage to the country where the company's tomatoes are produced, adding a touch of local charm and personality to the brand. The end result is a logo that not only captures the brand's values and mission, but also connects with its audience in a meaningful way.

New Packaging
The new packaging for Squisito is a true standout, with a number of innovative features that make it both functional and environmentally responsible. The round shape of the packaging is a visual nod to the circular economy, emphasizing the brand's commitment to sustainability and responsible production. The bottom of the packaging is made from embedded seed paper, which contains wildflower seeds that can be planted to create a beautiful and beneficial habitat for pollinators. This unique feature not only promotes sustainability, but also helps to support the ecosystem and create a positive impact on the environment. The top of the packaging is made from bioplastic, which is both durable and biodegradable, ensuring that it can be easily recycled and reused. The dynamic pattern on the packaging is not only eye-catching, but also tells a powerful story about the brand's values and mission.
Outside and Inside Packaging Illustration
Inside the packaging, consumers will find an illustrative guide that walks them through how to use the packaging and plant the wildflower seeds. This helps to ensure that consumers can make the most of the packaging's unique features and feel empowered to make a positive impact on the environment.
The Promotional Video
In addition to creating a new logo and packaging, I also established a company blog to provide customers with information about the new company philosophy. The blog includes not only information about the products, the packaging and brand but also some recipes for people to try. Increases brand awareness: A blog can help businesses increase their brand awareness by reaching new audiences and driving more traffic to their website. By sharing their blog posts on social media and other channels, Squisito can reach more people and generate more interest in their brand. It provides value to customers: A blog is a great way for businesses to provide value to their customers beyond their products or services. Additionally, the blog opens to collaborating with like-minded individuals and businesses, so it encourages people to reach out to them if they are interested in working together.
The social media posts that I created for Squisito incorporate the brand's new branding pattern in a unique and creative way. One of the key elements of these posts is the use of shapes from the pattern to cast the blog's picture post, which creates a sense of intrigue and encourages viewers to read the accompanying article in the blog. To enhance the human connection and make the posts more relatable, I also incorporated real-life pictures, which showcases the brand's products in a realworld setting. By doing this, I was able to create a more authentic and engaging look and feel that resonates with the audience.
Squisito: New Identity, Circular Packaging and Strategy

Squisito: New Identity, Circular Packaging and Strategy
