Marvin Tak's profile

The Adventure Begins

Self Assesment:Hello this is my ePortfolio showcasing my four artifacts that will demonstrate my full range and ever growing abilities and talents of my game programing / art journey. Through my journey throughout this program and developing the ePortfolio. I have learned and gained an immense amount of evergrowing knowledge and skills that will prepare me for the career I sought for in the gaming industry. My works help demonstatrate a proficiency in creating effictive code/ blueprints, create and execute 3D/ 2D assests, develope an AI, problem solving skills associated but game systems, industry standard designs, and to research and maintain relativity in the gaming trends. Throughout the course, I inlcuded game programming best practices by showing debug print messages, commenting, and proper exection to allow my games to properly work. As the coming future, this capstone fits into the big picture by providing me a solid foundation and immeasurable amount of experience on developing games. Not everything is a perfect run on the first try. Some unforeseen obstacles during my experience was how to particles were offset, collisions weren't working properly, bsp brushes not having correct UV maps, and logical erros in blue prints or the code to run the assets and game. They did provide achallenge for me but the way I overcame these challenges was allocating enough time to understand and research what was going on to fix them. In hopes to enter the gaming industry I will incorporate my knowledge of professional ethics by aiming to contribute positivley to the industry, create entertaining and relevant games, and respect the people in the industry.
Sword gameplay TEST
3D Low Poly models & Sculpts
Narrative: First artifact showcasing the creation of 3D models and animation, while adding particle effects in game. I selected these items to show off my skills in creating 3D models and being able to construct and involve in the game enviroment. Creating 3D models help represent my understanding of the 3D workflow; UV Maps, polygons, and scultping. The particle system helped show an understanding in working with the blueprint to create particles in UE5. As I started creating and improving on it I learned these things take time but have to have a enthusiasm for these type creations. 3D modeling is it's own craft in itself and allows for creativity of ones own mind in making thier own game assets. The only feed back was to polish my work and I only added little changes by fixing the particle system. Difficulties I faced was getting the particles to orientate the right way and dissapate in a timely manner.
Sky Temple Level Design
Sliding Door Blueprint
 UI Skull Timer Design
Narrative: My second artifact for my ePortfolio was to create a level. I took inspiration from Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom's sky temple. I originally made levles back 2 years ago, but all I knew was how to make landscapes. I selected this item to showcase my developing mastery of level design in gaming. The whole level was to represent the understanding of creating a level to make the player feel as if they are in another realm of sort. The background mountains covered in fog as the floating temple island soars above them, along side floating rocks to show a fantasy type style level. When I was creating and polishing the artifact I changes some of the textures and the UVs to make the level look more clean. The difficulty I faced in creating this was importing bsp brushes was that the UVs were all messed up for the textures.
AI Perception + Attack 
AI Collison Box + BluePrint
Narrative: For my third artifact, it's to show the creation of an AI enemy and having them attack the player. Originally this was created recently around May 2023. I selected this item to represent my development in AI creation. The blueprint shows that when the player is in the AI's field of view and come overlap the box collison in front of it. It will start an attack animation towards the player and lunge at them. While being percieved by the AI and encountering the enemy battle music will play. (Battle encounter music from FinalFanatasy XIV)/ While creating and polishing the artifact I made the AI stop attacking the player if the player is too far away. Difficulty in making this was making the collisions right so the player overlapped the box and did not take damage yet till the enemy hit them.
C++ Coding in Game Assets and Movement
SpinningMovingCubeActor.h                                                SpinningMovingCubeActor.cpp          
Narrative: In my fourth artifact I am representing a creation of 3D assets and movement through C++ code. It was created this month June, 2023. I selected this item to showcase my ever growing development in game coding and not just through blueprints. The spinning cubes show directly that. They are derived from a header file and cpp file to import it into the game as an actor and rotate. Being able to code rather then blueprints, you have more flexibility so its very sought after in the gamin industry to know the game engine and code. In creating and polishing the artifact I didn't change much since it was to showcase I can code rather then use blueprints to implement assets and function in the game. Didn't have much difficulty since I made a rotating cube with a pre-built asset.
The Adventure Begins

The Adventure Begins
