Kevin Chin's profile

Experience Centre Design

The Other 1/8 Singapore
The Other 1/8 is a project made to integrate the experiences of migrant workers in Singapore through gamification techniques. With the purpose to educate Singaporean youths on the importance of foreign workers in our communities, real-life discriminatory experiences were used to shock the viewers and make them interested in the campaign.
Looking at statistics of Foreign workers' experiences in Singapore, I realized that foreign workers who come to Singapore to live a living end up being underappreciated for their efforts and even face discriminatory words and actions.
Mustafa was chosen as a brand to be the spokesperson behind this campaign. As a local home-grown brand, it is the go-to place for foreign workers, and has a high flow of Singaporeans This initiative serves as a CSR ( corporate social responsibility ) project, and can act to draw youths to Mustafa, a new audience.
The Rooms
For room 1, the idea was to have an interactive floor screen, where questions would play and visitors would need to stand on the area they deemed was the correct answer.

This incorporates the sense of sight and hearing, as there will be audio played, matching the lights and emotions the room enimates.
Moving into room 2, visitors will be presented with facts about why Foreign workers in Singapore play such a huge role, an example being, in the construction sector, where without them, the city we know today may not have existed.
Room 3, suggests actionables to the visitors, by standing on the corresponding plates, they join a number of others in that pledge. An email is later sent to them, regarding their choice and what they can do to contribute.
Moving into the marketing material, I wanted to emphasize the seriousness of the topic, catch attention and have an obvious call to action. Hence I made use of a cracking effect and layered it onto a picture. The picture was also paired with real life quotes by people, towards foreign workers in Singapore. 

The poster on the right is the final, making use of visual flow from the top left to bottom right, starting with the title and ending with the call to action.
Along with the above poster, I created two more based one two more experiences of foreigners in Singapore.
These posters were then mocked up at places people would stand and wait, and where there were more youths, hence I chose Orchard MRT as a key place for the marketing material to be placed.
Along with this I created a website in Figma that would be linked from the poster, the websites "game" like design would draw people to the exhibit, and turn in into a competition of sorts.
User Experience Video
The video's overall purpose was to educate my potential visitors about the topic, then provide them with a place to visit to learn more, and improve as a Singaporean.
Experience Centre Design


Experience Centre Design
