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Resurrecting Lost Mementos

Resurrecting Lost Mementos; 
A Metaphoric Exploration to Uncovering Time Fictional Structure through The Island Narrative

In his representation of the island as a liminal space, Umberto Eco blurs the boundary between reality and imagination, and ascribes symbolic meaning to an abandoned boat as a means of observing the island from distance. Eco argues that the identity of an island is not only determined by its isolation, but also by its freedom, which is applicable to the Kurucesme island as a case study in this project. The Kurucesme area and the surrounding Bosphorus have been shaped by multiple layers of civilization over time, but this has also resulted in the loss or abandone of significant historical points of some moment, leading to a fading of the concept of identity in society. The project seeks to answer the question of how an architectural narrative can revive these lost moments of time layer and restore identity labels to their subjects.
The approach of architectural allegorical narrative is employed in this project, using elements such as time, memory, and mimesis, as outlined in Marcel Proust's novel. By mapping out these elements, the project aims to create a space that invites the public to take a deep journey, similar to Roberto's exploration in "The Island of The Day Before," which represents a spiritual journey in an abandoned boat. Each space can be viewed as an allegory of a journey through life, where each moment represents a different point in time, according to the perception of the visitor's imagination. As a result, forgotten moments are triggered to be revived, forming a fictional structure of that time. Although this emotional approach may lead to different interpretations, it can also provide a representation of moments in the future.
The result of the matrixing of the six narrative stories in the novel "The Island of the Day Before" is reflected in the six phases of the human life journey. In addition, the design of each narrative space was carefully crafted to establish a close relationship with the supporting elements of the surrounding environment, such as water elements, waves, wind, island scenery and ship movement. By skilfully integrating these elements into the design, visitors were given a more immersive experience of the programme. Each visitor's journey through the programme was carefully designed to allow them to explore the programme at their own pace and in their own way. This abstraction of the exploration process enabled visitors to connect with the programme on a personal level and, in turn, was more likely to rekindle lost memories. In essence, the design of the programme encouraged a more personal and emotional connection between the visitor and the programme, which ultimately led to a more impactful experience.
Resurrecting Lost Mementos


Resurrecting Lost Mementos
