I'm delighted to report that I've had some great success in email marketing!

Primarily, I have been responsible for copywriting during a recent campaign targeted toward the King's Coronation in the UK. 

Comparing a Black Friday Sale Launch email with the King's Coronation Sale Launch email, my copy has resulted in: 
Open rates increasing by 10.44% from 13.51% to 23.95%
Click rates almost doubling from 0.49% to 0.96%
Unsubscribes decreasing by 0.13% from 0.59% to 0.46%
Spam results dropping from 0.04% to below 0.01%. 
Here are a few more snippets of subject lines that I took great pleasure in popping onto these emails: 
The brief was to intrigue prospective clients and elude to an upcoming event or surprise without explicitly stating the details.
Subject Line: You’re in for a Royal – Oh, We Meant “Real” – Surprise 

Sale Announcement
The brief was to inform people about the upcoming sale. I took the route of building some suspense with this subject line to drive open rates (which were a whopping 24.23% on average). 
Subject Line: Introducing Something Extraordinary  

Sale Now Live
The brief was to build excitement since the sale was live. I opted to go for a subject line that automatically brings the "Royal" vibe to it. 
Subject Line: Hear Ye, Hear Ye, [First Name]! 

One thing you'll probably note from the above is that I thrive when there's a theme in place, and I love working with puns & play-on-words. I like to consider myself a dad joke connoisseur, if I do say so myself!
Curated Copy


Curated Copy


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