This project is a response to the RSA brief Collaborative Consumption. The brief was to design a product or service that gets better or more useful the more people use it so that sharing becomes more attractive and viable. 

My concept to make sharing more attractive was to give an incentive and a brand to what sharing should be. During my research I found that "Only one in three Brits bothers introducing themselves to their neighbours when moving into a new home" (dailymail). This fact makes it hard to simply give out and borrow items within even neibourhoods.
The WristLend and the KeyLend shown above link into the online platform GoogleShare shown below. I believe that the colours I chose for the logo of my product work well with what Google does, which is connecting people together.


GoogleShare is a system that acts as a middleman to invite communities to share each others products such as Lawnmowers, Bicycles and even skills Read More
