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Men's Fashion Illustration

As I have been studying the work of René Gruau, I found a lot of inspiring work that I have applied to my own designs. I have attempted to capture the sense of masculinity and valour in my own final designs, through the use of background that I have previously used in a project for my communication in art and design. As the designs were initially created for fashion visualisation, I have applied the design from my second mood board as a pattern in my men’s garments.
Step 1- Firstly, through the use of fashion sillhouettes, i sketched these made models adding my clothing designs, I have annotated each individual design before scanning into photoshop. I scanned this into photoshop to create my own CAD illustration.
Step 2-This is an image of a snow White illustration that I have previously used to create my mood board for fashion visualisation,
. As the designs were initially created for fashion visualisation, I have applied the design from my second mood board as a pattern in my men’s garments.
Step 3-Through the use of Photoshop, I have applied the pattern to the waistcoat using the fill tool selection, highlighting the area that I wanted to fill and the results are shown in the image above.
Step 4- I have added other patterns to the design through the use of photoshop, firstly adding in the design patterns to the jeans, creating a more life like illustration. I then proceeded to add the original pattern to the footwear and I used the smudge tool to blend the pattern to create a more subtle look. I then continued adding colour to the belt and finer details in the jeans, I used the paint bucket tool to carry out this method.
Step 5- To complete this project, I have used the smudge tool to blend in the lines of the edges. I have also used the paint bucket tool to add in the skin colour of the male model. To complete the illustration I added in the background, I feel that I achieved to capture the sense of masculinity and valour in my own final design.
Men's Fashion Illustration

Men's Fashion Illustration

For Fashion Visualisation I have been researching the work of various artists to help influence designs for my men's collection.
