Keep Grindin'
In leu of finals season, I decided to make a sign with a motivational quote to display in my dorm room as encouragement to myself, my roommate, and anyone else who steps foot in my room. The phrase on this sign is keep grindin'. A phrase my friends and I tell each other when we want to encourage each other to work hard and keep pushing. I also used this as an excuse to add some more pop to my room.
The steps I used to bring this project to life include:
1. Sketching out the dimensions in fusion
2. Laser cutting the frame of the sign (all rectangular pieces)
3. Create a DXF file of the bubble letters I wanted
4. Laser cut the letters and then spray paint the letters
5. Cut two strips of neopixels the height of the sign
6. Solder wires to the neopixels and wire them into a small breadboard with an arduino
7. Code the light scheme to my desire
8. Glue the lights and the letters to the sign
Keep Grindin'

Keep Grindin'
